How to Take Photo When You Travel Alone!

9:49:00 AM

Assalamu'alaikum Guys..
Can you guess who was taking my photo? 
Yes, me, myself

After i uploaded some of photos from my holiday to social media, some of my friend asked, "did you really go alone?" "No way.. it doesn't seem like that in your photo".

Yeah i know, a solo traveler can be seen easily through their photos, like their whole face will be shown in the photo because all they did is selfie, like a lot, hehe.. Either they were too lazy to ask people to take the photo or maybe yaa.. Biar cepet aja deh. 

Maybe for some people, take photo with you in it is not important, so you can go to any place without thinking about how to take your own photo. But for me, it's like a crazily important thing to do, hahaha.. because you can find any spot photos that i took in google, even more beautiful, but you will never find that spot with me in it before i chose to show it to you. Hehehe.. So that photo will be a limited edition, for me lah of course :D

I know holiday is not only about taking picture. Because sometimes maybe you thought too much about how to take a good picture and then forget to enjoy the moment. Forget to see through your own eyes, how beautiful that place is. But, still a picture is the only "thing" that left after you come home and what you can count as a memory.

So, in this post, i just want to share how i take my photo during my solo travel

1. Buy Mirrorless Camera
You read it right, this is what i did. Why mirrorless? because mostly in this kind of type, it has features that allow you to take picture using your handphone as the remote control. So you can have a quite distance from the camera, then pose and click, and taraaa.. you just did it. If you want it to be perfect, you have to hide well your phone, don't show it in the photo like i did -_-

I will not show my whole face to you, close up because i know my face is not as flawless as pantat panci yang baru dibeli di supermaket, so i need some spaces between my face and the camera 🙈
It happened while i was trying to take selfie with my cam, come on, why the cam didn't want to focus to my face 
Oh yeah, sometimes you will need some properties if you can't bring a tripod. Like trash can, flower vase, drum, or something high as a place to put your camera. But please be aware, don't take space too far, because maybe after that, you can't find your camera again and you will be victim, hooooh..
But, i would say that when you take photo with this method, sometimes people won't notice what you are doing and they will photobomb the picture!
Pretend like i just check my phone
As i remember, for this photo, i put my cam on a dust bin. And that child won't go away. 
2. Use Selfie Stick
Other than those, you know, you can use a selfie stick that attached to your phone so your pictures will not only show your whole face but at least the background too.

3.  Ask stranger nicely to take your photo
Someone was asking if he can take my picture for me :D
You can start it with looking some potential strangers who will willing to do that. Sometimes i asked people who looked alone too, and the line would be :

Me : Hi, do you want me to take your picture? 
Him : oooh..yeah thank you. 
After that...
Me : could you please take my photo too? 
Him : Oh yeah 
Me : thank you. 
Him : Is the picture okay? *showing the camera*
Me : Yeah good, thank you. 

But you know, it's not easy to find someone who will take the photo as you wanted. Because maybe you and them have a different perspective about where you should be put in the lens frame, in the middle, left or right. But you are too shy to give an instruction about what do you want about your picture, or maybe to re-do it.. so yeah.. that's it.

I took my own photo
She was asking me to take picture with her after i asked her to take my picture, yes it could happened
As you can see from 2 above photos, the first photo was taken by me and the second photo was taken by her friend. Can you see that my photos is more focus and more precise than the other one. That's what i told earlier, it's not easy to take photos as you wanted :p 

4. Nothing else
Oopps.. I just realize that i only did that 3 things. So yeah if you have any experience about taking photo when you travel alone, pleasee share it in the comment :)


I prefer to take my own photo using the camera because i can pose whatever i want without embarrassing myself :D
Candid Pose
Behind The Scene....

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  1. just take me whenever you want to travel, so you wouldn't ask stranger anymore :D

